How can I get 1000 followers in a month on Instagram?

 How can I get 1000 followers in a month on Instagram?

Whether you are an aspiring model or a young company looking to get traffic to your website, knowing how to get 1,000 Instagram followers in one month is no easy task. But it’s a profitable one.

Because all an aspiring model needs for it to pay off is for the right talent agency, just one, to notice her Instagram profile and then sign her to a modeling contract.

The same goes for a startup. If they just get half a percent of their newfound 1,000 followers to buy their high-end product, they will immediately celebrate the sales.

So I don’t know what business or type of personal brand you strive to become, but I do know that growing an Instagram following is 100% worth every second and penny you invest into it.

How can I be so certain? Besides my own experience growing my Instagram account, I also know that awareness is everything in business.

The brands with the most attention have two powerful advantages going for them: they reach the biggest audience and they convert the most people into paying customers.

On a global scale, think Nike and Coca-Cola. They dominate because everyone knows about them. On a micro scale, your brand’s sales will increase when more people know about you.

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That’s why growing an Instagram following isn’t a vanity metric, but a rich opportunity to improve your annual revenue.

After reading this article and applying it, there’s no reason you can’t grow your Instagram account to 1,000 followers in 30 days.

How To Get 1,000 Instagram Followers

When creating your profile you need to consider how you will differentiate yourself from others.

Instagram now has more than 800 million monthly users. There will be many accounts that will be similar to yours, so uniqueness is vital in this social platform.

For example, say you are a pizza delivery restaurant in New York City. There are about 32,000 pizza places there.

It is 2018, so more than half of them are going to use Instagram as a platform to reach new customers. Many will be similar. Others will be unique.

Due to this fact, you would need to find ways to make your business’ Instagram account stand out.

Here is how you do it.


Create An Attention-Grabbing Profile

In order for people to even want to look at your profile, you need to pair an enticing handle with an interesting photo.

Your Instagram handle should be your business name (or a variation of it like “official + intert business name” if a handle is already taken).

For example, you can see that @airbnb is the username for Airbnb’s account on Instagram. Their username is also the name of their business, which makes it clear that this account is the official Instagram account for Airbnb. This handle is also used for the company’s Twitter account.

As for the profile photo, make sure that it is both relevant to your company and top-notch quality. This can be a logo or a product photo. Whatever you choose, make sure it is as attractive on your profile as it is when it is minimized in the feed.

Next, once they open your profile they’ll immediately see your Instagram bio. Your bio is the perfect way to describe who you are and what you do.

If you are a business then this is where you should showcase your company’s uniqueness or personality.

With the bio, you have 150 characters to sum up your company and potentially have a customer take action.

Notice how in Airbnb’s bio they say, “Share your stories with #Airbnb. Book from our feed,” and then they give you the link to their website.

They are both asking viewers to spread their brand by sharing stories on their own personal accounts, as well as providing the link to their website to increase sales.

Viewers will be more inclined to socially and financially invest in your company if you have a website link in your bio.

Read: How to get 100k Followers

Find Your Specific Niche

Before you start to work on user acquisition, it is very important to publish content that fits your brand. Find the voice and style you want to portray through your pictures and videos.

In the early stages of your account, Instagram users will be more interested in your profile when there’s more content to look at compared to two posts

And people only spend time with accounts that have character. There are many ways to bring out your personality on Instagram, such as being creative, humorous, or inspirational.

When you are posting content, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the pictures are high quality. Instagram is all about the photos so people will not want to look at low quality photos that are blurry or pixelated. (Videos don’t have to be motion picture perfect, especially if it’s a vlog, but you should still aim for quality.)
  • Try to make your captions funny or inspiring in a way. It is important to stick with good vibes. No one will return to an account that has off-putting content.
  • Try to find an overall aesthetic to present on your content. If you are a small business that sells candles, then you should try and go for a cozy and warm aesthetic when posting content.

Below is an example of an account that has found a specific aesthetic and theme. Notice how the content doesn’t contrast itself and sticks to a relative theme? This Cincinnati men’s clothing store, Hellman Clothiers, has definitely found their niche on the gram.

Attracting Organic Followers

A quick option to get more followers is organic user acquisition. This is when people come across your account and follow you.

There are a few ways to do this but the most effective way is to post to strategic hashtags and post at the right time.

Picking the right hashtags will get your content in front of new faces. For a few hashtag tips, try posting 30 hashtags in the first comment and not in a caption.

One form of hashtagging is using trending hashtags. But many small businesses and individuals make the mistake of trying to compete for the most popular hashtags like #love, #cool, and #food.

What ends up happening is their pictures get buried beneath the Instagram influencers and models with millions of followers, never seeing the light of day for new audiences to like and comment on their posts.

Instead, a better strategy, especially for new accounts, is to post less competitive hashtags with multiple words in them.

For example, a new fashion account should start with longer, less competitive hashtags like #streetstyle, #fashioninsta, or #fashiongram instead of #fashion and #style.

Another form of hashtagging is by writing a hashtag that includes your company name or a popular tagline describing your business. These are called brand hashtags. You should try and keep your brand hashtag pretty short and easy to spell. Since you want your customers to remember your tag and use it correctly.

If you are an avid social media user then this should not be an issue. If you see a trend that relates to your business or interests then engage it by hashtagging it underneath your photos on Instagram.

Also, sticking with our fashion company example, say that focuses on trending streetwear then it would be a good idea to tag other streetwear companies like @supreme or @offwhite in your photos. This makes it so when people search those hashtags then a photo from your account will pop up that had the same hashtag in the caption.

Doing all of this will get you a lot more exposure for your content and your brand. If you use hashtags correctly then your account will be #winning in no time.

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Engage The Masses

The final way to accumulate followers is by old-fashioned networking.

Networking on Instagram is what you do almost everyday on the app. You like your friends photos, comment on them, or follow someone you used to go to high school with and hope they follow you back.

If you want 1,000 followers in a month then you need to be doing this activity frequently with complete strangers. So spend a few hours each day sending positivity to other accounts in your space.

If you are an active account on Instagram and you are liking peoples’ photos, leaving comments, and following them, then people will presumably take notice and eventually like your account, comment, and maybe follow you back. This concept is called basic reciprocity—and it works like a charm!

Because odds are if you like and make a genuine comment on another fashion account, they’ll check out your fashion profile and be interested in your Instagram content. But it makes no sense for a fashion account to leave hundreds of comments on plumbers accounts.

My only advice is to not be spammy though. Leave genuine, interesting comments on people’s posts for best results and you’ll have no problems. And respond to the comments people make on your posts.

If you want to directly network with another account in order to collaborate and build an authentic relationship then it would be beneficial to slide in the DMs.

There has been negative connotations with this term because of its flirtatious nature but there are actually huge advantages with direct messaging. You can do this from their profile and clicking the three dots at the top right, then clicking “Direct Message”, or by replying to an Instagram story.

Be warned, if your direct message sounds generic then they will not give you the time of day. So don’t sound like a bot, be interesting.

This harmless form of communication can lead to new business, strategic partnerships, or influencer-driven content creation.

And if you’re direct messaging to bring up a partnership, make sure that you have researched the account’s style and feed so they trust that you’ve taken the time to align with their brand.

Read: Instagram Growth Hacking 3.0 


Publish Video

Even though Instagram started out as a platform to share photos, it has recently grown beyond just that.

You can now create many different types of content to engage your followers. With features like videos, live videos, and Stories, you can grow your following at a higher rate than before.

Here are a few reasons to try posting these new content types:

  • The average engagement for videos is growing faster than the average engagement for images.
  • When you go live on Instagram, you will appear right at the front the Stories feed.
  • More than 250 million people use Instagram Stories everyday.

Instagram Stories have quickly became a game changer for social media. They have turned into a proven marketing tool for brands.

With stories, your account could send a message to your followers, announce a sale or a new item your business just received, show a testimonial from a customer, show your office in action, and just about anything you desire.

Last year Instagram launched the ability to search for stories by location and hashtag, meaning that if you include a hashtag in your story, other users can see it even if they don’t follow you! For those that do follow you, your stories will appear at the top of their feed.

Video provides an excellent way to share what is happening with your brand. Videos can do a lot more than just a picture with a caption. Videos show your personality better and get attract more viewers. Try it out yourself!

Run A Giveaway

A great way for a small business to increase social media engagement, get more followers, and attract new customers, is to run an Instagram contest or giveaway.

Instagram has been proven to be a great resource for carrying out contests and they’re easy to do.

A giveaway is a nice way to celebrate 500 followers and give back to your followers. Contests also push your followers to comment the names of their friends in your post, inviting others to follow your account so you can make the final push to 1,000 followers!

Here are some contest ideas you can use for your account.

Like to Win

In this type of contest, the participant must follow your account and like the photo to enter. If someone likes the photo but is not one of your followers, then they are not eligible to win.

Tag a Friend

In this type of contest, the participants must comment on your photo and tag one or more users in the comment section of the contest photo.

Post Your Own Picture + Hashtag

This one encourages participants to post an original picture related to your brand with a custom contest hashtag. These contests have a high participation rate because they are easy for people to do.

As you can see, each one of these giveaway contents will promote your account in different ways. If you’re stuck on deciding what one, just flip a coin and go forward.

You can always pick the other ones next time. Or you can run a separate Facebook giveaway if you’re really feeling generous.

Final Words

If you want 1,000 Instagram followers in one month then it is going to require some hard work. But that’s a good thing! Because it means most people won’t put in the effort to do what it takes to get a four digit follower count.

Remember: Social outreach is the fastest and easiest way to gain followers.

However, once you have those followers, it’s a full-time job to keep them interested and coming back for more. This is why finding your personality and brand is very important.

If you engage with people that share your interests, then they will be more inclined to follow you.

Also, stay up to date with trending hashtags and ride the social wave to show up in as many places on the app as possible.

If you can efficiently do all of this then you will undoubtedly reach 1,000 Instagram followers in one month.

Now the only thing that’s left to do is to apply everything you read. Get to work! Your account isn’t going to grow itself, is it?

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